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Interview mit Nigel McGuinness (05.01.2008) Englisch

05.01.08, von "TheKing23"

Wrestling-Informer.de: Nigel – At first I would like to thank you for taking time for this interview. How are you now? In the past weeks you had a lot of trouble with your shoulder…

Nigel McGuinness: Still bad. Don’t think it’ll ever get better 100%.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Let’s talk about Ring of Honor first. You are a current Ring of Honor World Champion and a former Ring of Honor Pure Champion. Which title reign was or is the most important one and why?

Nigel McGuinness: Of course with the history of the world title that’s the biggest deal. But the pure title was what really helped me stand out from the pack and move up the next level.

Wrestling-Informer.de: You held the Pure Title for 350 days. Longer than everyone else. You were also the last holder of this championship. Does that mean something special for you? Do you remember your last match at ‚Unified‘ in August 2006?

Nigel McGuinness: Yes, was really special. The match was really important in making my star rise too.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Tassilo Jung, a well known referee from Germany, was the referee. We already interviewed him, too. What can you say about him? Would you like to see him in the US or Japan as a regular referee?

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely. He got the spot in that match because he was so well respected by the guys in the locker room.

Wrestling-Informer.de: I think ‚Project 161‘ was one of the best (internet)storylines in the past months. At the beginning nobody really knew whether it was real or not. Please describe your thoughts about it. A good or a bad story?

Nigel McGuinness: I didn’t really follow it too much but the people involved are very talented and i think it could be very succesful

Wrestling-Informer.de: When you look at the former ROH World Champions you can see a lot of famous names like Low Ki, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, CM Punk, James Gibson (Jamie Noble) or Homicide. They are / were all stars in World Wrestling Entertainment or Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Are these promotions an option for you in your future?

Nigel McGuinness: Of course, if the situation is right.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Do you watch one of their shows? RAW or iMPACT for example? Do you like it or not?

Nigel McGuinness: Try to when i have time, or at least follow the product.

Wrestling-Informer.de: You had so many famous matches with wrestlers like Bryan Danielson or even Takeshi Morishima who lost his title to you. With which wrestler would you like to step in the ring in your future? Who is your favorit partner / opponent for matches in Ring of Honor, IWA Mid South, …?

Nigel McGuinness: John Cena.

Wrestling-Informer.de: A lot of wrestlers say that the wrestlingfans in Germany are different than the fans in the US or Japan. Is that true? What do you like or don’t you like at the german fans?

Nigel McGuinness: They’re very passionate and a good family atmosphere. Love wrestling there.

Wrestling-Informer.de: The fans of westside Xtreme wrestling (wXw) are very well known for their chants, … during the wXw shows. What do you think about first when you hear ‚wXw‘?

Nigel McGuinness: Grass roots professional efficient and hard working company.

Wrestling-Informer.de: In march (7th – 9th) there will be the next 16 Carat Gold Tournament in Essen. Great wrestlers are already announced. Is there a chance to see Nigel McGuinness as well?

Nigel McGuinness: Always a chance.

Wrestling-Informer.de: On march 17 you were part of German Stampede Wrestling’s “International Impact IV”. Stars like Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels or Colt Cabana were part of the show, too. A lot of fans call this show (and the 16 Carat Gold Tournament) ‚Show Of The Year‘. Is it possible to compare shows like that with indy-shows in the US? With Ring of Honor, IWA Mid South, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, …?

Nigel McGuinness: Sure you can compare, but there are so many factors to consider is perhaps futile to do so.

Wrestling-Informer.de: On november 30 Silas Young, the nephew of Stan Hansen, wrestled one of his last matches for Ring Of Honor… – Against you. A few days ago he signed a development-contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. Will he make it there? What can you say about him as a wrestler?

Nigel McGuinness: Well, I’m really glad he got something. It is so tough to make it in wrestling and he’s a really talented guy i’ve known for a while. He has as good a chance as anyone.

Wrestling-Informer.de: You are from London, England. I think you visited some shows before you started to wrestle seven or eight years ago. Have you ever visited a show in Germany as a fan?

Nigel McGuinness: No never.

Wrestling-Informer.de: How would you describe yourself and your wrestling-style?

Nigel McGuinness: Eccentric, hard hitting, no nonsense.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Now I would like to give you some words or names. Only give a short answer. Let’s start with “Ring Of Honor”:

Nigel McGuinness: Proud.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Gabe Sapolsky

Nigel McGuinness: Brilliant.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Cary Slikin

Nigel McGuinness: Dodsend.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Rob Feinstein

Nigel McGuinness: Never knew him.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Jawbreaker Lariat / Rebound Lariat

Nigel McGuinness: Devastating.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Pro Wrestling NOAH

Nigel McGuinness: World class.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Germany

Nigel McGuinness: Wunderbar.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Chemistry

Nigel McGuinness: Easy.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Is there something left you would like to tell your fans?

Nigel McGuinness: Buy my shirt and keep supporting the product.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Ah – One more question I am very interested in: Is it true that your lovely electric iron broke down in Italy in 2006? 🙁

Nigel McGuinness: Very true. Andreas diamond’s head.

Wrestling-Informer.de: Thank you for taking some time and good luck in your future!

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